Friday, January 18, 2008

Thank you all for your support

Hi everyone, I am so excited. My human told me I won the Bird of the Year campaign. The information is a little late coming from my human but he and all the nice people at the Bird TLC have been busy taking care of my cousins from Kodiak. I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to everyone who supported the campaign. Not just those who voted for me but everyone who voted and especially my fellow candidates, Gus and Crawford.

It is such an honor to be voted Bird of the Year. I can't wait to get out on the road with my human and see all the nice people here in Alaska. Don't forget to get out this year and enjoy seeing my cousins and all the other members of my extended feathered family. You can see them at all kinds of neat places like Potter Marsh, Ship Creek hatchery and sooo many other beautiful places here in our great state.

One last thank you to all the people who are helping to take care of my cousins by giving them baths and helping them get the goo off of them. Also to all the nice people bringing in the fish for them to eat. I know they will be real hungry after the silly humans get done with them!! That is all for now, thank you for stopping by.

Oops, I almost forgot to tell you about the tv people who came to see us at the center. My human says that the Animal Planet will be showing something about the Bird TLC on February 8th at 9:30 pm. Wow, a planet of cool is that!!


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